Highlighting critical features in images:

three images of stream and trees

Look at the first image and the text beside it. The text focuses on the reflection of the leaves, but the picture contains extra information. For example the trees are not essential to the meaning being conveyed in the text. The second image highilghts the important part of the picture and the third image shows the image after it has been cropped. When you compare the first and third images, it becomes obvious that the trees were distractors.

Keep in mind the specific message you want to convey when you crop a picture. Ask yourself  "Which are the critical features I want to highlight in order to get my message across?" Seeing these elements as essential supports for your message will help you to see everything else as a distractor.


Terry's Tips

At first, I couldn't get my students to focus on the reflection in this picture. After cropping the picture, I see a difference in my students' attention to that detail.

I now realize that I have to consider how I want an image to enhance the meaning of the text. By cutting the picture down to the essential elements, I can be strategic and highlight the critical features of the image--helping students to gain a deeper and faster connection to the meaning of the text.