Getting Familiar with Book Builder


Meet the Coaches

In this book, you will see coaches that ask you questions and give you ideas and models of how to approach the process of historical inquiry.  Use these coaches to help you work through your own project, or to get ideas on how to work with different kinds of documents. 

Image of coaches Pedro, Hali and Monty
You will see these coaches at the bottom of almost every page
The three learning coaches: Pedro, Hali and Monty

These coaches are guides to help you with your own historical inquiry. 

  • Pedro asks questions to get you started thinking. 
  • Hali gives you ideas and examples of how to approach the work.
  • Monty explains why the work is important to your inquiry. 

Click on any of the coaches at the bottom of each page when you want ideas or suggestions for your inquiry.


Response areas

You will also notice that there is a place for you to write your responses to the prompts and questions throughout the book. Anything you type in there will be saved temporarily while you are using this book.  You can click on the  View My Responses  button at the bottom of any page to see the work you have done today.  Make sure to copy the work to a word document each day, before you leave the book.

Terry's Tips

Introduce the schema

As students approach this new modality of reading, make explicit the schema, or structure, of the Book Builder tool itself.  Introducing the schema will allow students to recognize the features and use them most effectively to support their historical inquiry process.  

You can name your coaches anything you want.  This book uses the 'default' names from Book Builder, but you can use names that you think will connect with students' background and experience.