"If you let me ride with you, one time, so I can see the valley from the sky, I'll tell all the other reptiles that you are a bird not to be bothered!"

Now, Eagle was not one for making deals with creatures as lazy as Snake, who spent their days resting beneath the shade trees. But Eagle did sometimes fear Snapping Turtle and Crocodile.

So, after thinking, and thinking some more, Eagle decided to take Snake for a ride above the valley.

“All right,” Eagle agreed. “But, you must ride on my head and hold tight to my curls as if they were the mane of a horse.

Snake climbed up on Eagle’s head and held tight to the beautiful curls. Eagle opened his wings wide into a feathery flap. Suddenly the two were afloat, soaring above the pond that Snake walked to every day, drifting over the shade trees. From this height, Snake couldn’t even see the uneven pathways.

Terry's Tips

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