Unbroken Summary of Part 1

Above is Louis Zamperini running trackhttps://www.google.com/search?q=louis+zamperini+track&biw=985&bih=550&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI2d-9qqLSyAIVAxg-Ch22OALP#imgrc=R3HBcS4zq9kC6M%3A

This non-fiction book tells the true story of Louis Zamperini.  In parts 1 and 2, we learn that Louie was an Italian boy who grew up in California and caused a lot of trouble at a young age.  Many times, Louie got away with his antics  because of how quick he was.  As he got older and joined the track team, he began breaking records left and right, which eventually landed him a ticket to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.  Louie was such a great athlete that Hitler himself wanted to meet him.  Not knowing what the Nazis stood for at the time, Louie stole aswastika flag from Berlin to remember his time in Germany.