

Description: Animoto is a great web 2.0 tool that enables students and teachers alike to create good quality educational videos.

Uses in Education: Teachers can use it to create videos to introduce topics that will about to be covered in any class. Students can use it to creatively express their learning in an easy, online video format. 

Potential in Reducing Barriers: Animoto is great for students who are hands on and have interest in making videos. It not only inspires creativity for students but could potentially inspire them to use this tool outside the classroom. It can also help students who find writing a difficult barrier to overcome by providing another means of expressing their knowledge. 

Appropriate Age Limit: All ages in the K-12 system can utilize animoto. Keep in mind that though all ages can use it, younger children again may need the help of a parent as there are certain safety concerns such as students using their full name in creating their videos (Web 2.0 Teaching Tools, 2015). Therefore it may be necesseary that students have a grasp of digital citizenship before using this tool.  

 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools, (2015). Animoto, a Web 2.0 teaching tool supporting 21st century learning skills. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Oct. 2015].