Image used under CC license. Original image by Konrad Lawson, unmodified.

Quizlet (found at is a Web 2.0 tool and app available through the Apple Apps store that allows users to generate customized flashcard study sets on any topic. You can also build quizzes, games and worksheets!

The flashcards can be customized with student specific definitions and terms, and you can add photos to the flashcards as well. In addition, the apps allows students to use this program outside of the classroom environments and on the go.

Quizlet offers a number of services including a free service for students, and a .99/ year service for teachers that gets rid of ads in the student view, offers voice recording, image uploading and a way to track class progress on different components. 

Quizlet requires users to be at least 13 years of age in order to use the service OR offers a limited feature set for children under 13 which removes some of the social aspects. The under 13 account requires parental permission and a parent's email address. Quizlet is certified with a TRUSTe Children's Seal which strives to promote transparency in digital environments. The TRUSTe requirements can be found here.

 A video of Student Tool Apps by Google Developers, including technology like Quizlet (4:26) can be found here on Youtube