"OK class, be sure to practice your homework that is due tomorrow, have a nice day" Mr. Flawks said.  While this was happening Jenny was putting away her clarinet thinking to herself "I don't need to practice, it's a nice day out and I want to go out and play when I get home."  Jenny then put her clarinet in her locker and got on the best and went home.

The next day in band class Mr. Flawkes asked everyone to turn to the homework assignment. "I'm going to have you all play it first so we know what to expect, then I'm going to list to you all individually" he said.  While everyone was playing, Jenny thought to herself "I don't know the music as well as I thought" and got very scared.  Mr. Flawkes went student by student and soon enough came to Jenny.  She was so scared that she barely could get a note out and even then it was wrong.  After she had finished Mr. Flawks asked Jenny to stay after class for a moment.

 Soon after this horrible event Mr. Flawkes dismissed that class and walked toward Jenny. "I know you didn't practice the homework Jenny, why didn't you?"  Jenny then respoded shyly " I didn't think I needed to practice, it was just an exercise that we do in class".  "Jenny" Mr. Flawks said " exercises in the book are there to improve you as a musician, just like math homework is to help you improve in math, you can't become a better musician without them." After pondering for a moment Jenny then realized what she needed to do, she needed to take her instrument home and practice.  Thankfully Mr. Flawks agree to let her redo the assignment.

 That night Jenny practice her clarinet for a whole 30 minutes.  Her lips were very tired but she was confident that she was ready.  The next day in band Mr. Flawks told the class "today Jenny is going to play for us something exciting, take it Jenny".  Jenny then picked up her clarinet and played the assignment beautifully.  After she was finished Jenny vowed never to skip practicing an assignment again.