Button- A form element that triggers the submission of data

Check box- are similar to radio buttons in that there are a set of predefined choices from which the user may make a selection; The user is allowed to choose more than one option

Form- an element on a Web page that is used to collect data from a Web site user

Hidden field- allows a value to be passed from the form to the page that is specified in the ACTION attribute without the knowledge of the Web user

Label- text that precedes each <INPUT> tag

Password field- a box into which anything the user types is replaced with asteriks

Pull-down menu- also called drop-down lists, are used when you do not want the user to type in his or her own data

Querystring- A portion at the end of the url when from data is submitted through the GET method

Radio button- a type of form element where the user is presented with a set of options from which to choose; The user is only allowed to choose one option

Text area- a large space in which a user can type his or her comments

Text box- a box into which the user can key text