Lesson 7 Vocabulary

html(Hypertext Markup Language)-  a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.

Hypertext- organizations of units of information that can be connected with links

Container Tags- have an begining and an ending and contain text or other tags

Empty Tags- do not have endings tags and do not contain text

Attributes-  an addition to the HTML tag that is used to modify its properties

Ordered lists- each itemhas a number instead of a bullet by it. this is use for items whose orders matter

Unordered lists- are goog for listing items whose order does not matter

DTD(Document Type Declaration)- tells the browser what type of document to expect

Source Codes- the HTML code or the HTML code since it is the source of what is eventually displayed on the screen

Tages- codes that can be used in a Web page to designate attributes of a section of a text

Value- specifies that the paragraph be aligned in the center of the page


Absolute URL = is one in which the protocol and web server name used. are links for external links 

External Link = are links to documents that reside on web sites other than the one you are creating. 

Hyperlink = links to other web pages

Internal Link = web pages and then the link them together with hyperlinks links that are used to navigate between the pages of one site.

Intrapage Link = Is a link within one web page.are often used in a long documents that are divided into sections.

Link = is referance to another document, 

Relative URL = is one in which the document being linked to is described relative to another location.

Thumbnail = for a short is a small image representation of a longer image . there very usefull on web pages that contain links to large image

Vocabulary # 9

  1. Cell- area created by the intersection of a row and a calumn

  2. Container- Holds the frames

  3. Frameset- the name given to a group that act together to make up on web page.

  4. Nested- <TR> and <TD> tags that make up the table

  • Vocabulary


    Check box - similar to radio button in that there set of predefined choices from which the user may make a selection

    Form - is an element on a Web page that is used to collect data from a Web site user

    Hidden field - allows a value to be passed from the form to the page that this is specified in the ACTION attribute without the knowledge of the Web user


    Password field - anything that user types in a password field will be replaced by asterisks (*)

    Pull-down menu - also called drop-down lists, are used when you do not want the user to type in his or her own data

    Querystring - we call the URL ( its simply a part in the URL)

    Radio button - are another type of form element where the user is presented with a set of options from which to choose from

    Text area - large space in which a user type his or her comment

    Text box - form element is a box into which the user can key text