Lesson 7

Attribute- Addition to an HTML tag that is used to modify its properties.

Container Tags- Work in pairs usually with some other text or HTML in between them

Document Type Declaration (DTD)- It basically tells the browser what type of document to expect.

Empty Tags- Does not contain text.

HTML- Hypertext Markup Language consists of a series of tags or codes that can be used in a Web page to designate attributes of a section of a text.

Hypertext- Organization of units of information that can be connected with links, had already been around for a long time

Ordered List-Used for items whose order does matter. Each item has a number instead of a bullet by it.

Source Code- Source of what is eventually displayed on the screen

Tags- Codes that can be used in a webpage to designate attributes of a section of text

Unordered List- Unordered lists are good for listing items whose order is not important. Each item will have a bullet next to it.

Value- Specifies that the paragraph be aligned in the center of the page.

 Lesson 8

hyperlinks- links to to other Web pages

link- a pointer to a document or file somewhere on the Web

external link- are link to documents that reside on Web sites other than the one you are creating

hypertext reference- tell the browser where you want to link, you must use the HREF

internal links- links that are used to navigate between the pages of one site are called

absolute URL- is one which the protocol and Web server name is used

relative URL- one in which the document being linked to is described relative to another location

intrapage link- a link within one Web page

thumbnail- a small representation of a larger image

 Lesson 9