< html > begin the html page

< head > begin the heading of the document

< title > designate the title of the page

< body > begin the body of the document  bgcolor

< h1 > format a level 1 heading

< h2 > format a level 2 heading

< h3 > format a level 3 heading

< h4 > format a level 4 heading

< h5 > format a level 5 heading 

< h6 > format a level 6 heading

< br > add a line break

< p > set apart a group of text as a paragraph  align

< i > format the text using italics

< b > format the text with boldface

< ul > create an unordered list

< ol > create an ordered list

< li > specify a list item

< font > specify font characteristics  face, color

< a > designate a hyperlink  href, target, name 

< img > designate an image  src, alt, height, width, align,border

< table > designate an html table  border, width, cellpadding, cellspacing 

< tr > designate a table row  bgcolor

< td > designate a table cell  colspan, align, valign, bgcolor, rowspan

< th > designate a table heading

< frameset > designate a frames page  cols, rows

< frame > designate a frame within a frames page  src, name

< noframes > designate code that will be displayed if frames are not supported

< form > designate the start of a form  action, method

< input > designate a form element name, type, value

< select > designate a pull-down mena  name

< option > designate an item in a pull-down menu  value 

< textarea > designate a text area to insert text  name, rows, cols