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Web 2.0 Resource Two: Languages Online

This tool allows students and teachers to create language based interactive tasks such as cartoon stories and memory games.

This could be used as an assessment activity to assess student’s understanding of concepts by having the students create a project regarding a concept or by having them do a teacher-made activity.

This tool can help to reduce learning barriers for students in various ways. The activities are interactive and require the students to create the content. As well as this, there are various options in how the information is presented, helping to engage a wide range of students. Creating content such as the comics would appeal to kinaesthetic and visual learners. Students who prefer writing and reading could choose to create a sentence game. Auditory inclined students may choose to create a comprehension task with an audio file. As  far as assessment or teaching a concept, the teacher can create a comprehension task with both an audio file and written transcript, helping students with deficiencies in listening  or reading.

There is no required age for students and no login required. The task creators do, however, have to be downloaded.

Languages Online can be accessed at the following link: