
          Once Nick gets to the party, he looks for the host(Gatsby). No one seems to know Gatsby.  He runs into Jordan.  As he is speaking to Jordan, two young women approach them and say that they are sorry that she didn’t win.  Jordan lost in the finals of the golf tournament.

          “Do you come to these parties often?” inquired Jordan of one of the girls.  Her name was Lucille.  “I like to come,” Lucille said. “I never care what I do, so I always have a good time.  When I was here last I tore my gown on a chair, and he(Gatsby) asked me my name and address-inside of a week I got a package  from Croirier’s   with a new evening gown in it.”  The evening gown cost two hundred and sixty-five dollars.  Lucille feels that Gatsby doesn’t trouble with anybody.