Drawing of a young boy moving his arms up and down. At each level of arm movement he has a different object in each hand. At the first level he has a car and a phone, the next a pencil and paper and at the last level a paper airplane and a paper ball

Definition: ADHD is a severe and frequent inability to concerntrate and frequent periods of hyperativity that are more severe than what is expected from someone around the same age (American Psychiatric Association, 2015). 

Symptoms of ADHD: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsitivity 





Types: a. ADHD, Predominetly inattentive type

            b. ADHD, Predominetly hyperactiv type

            c. ADHD, Combined type 

(Gargiulo and Metcalf, 2013)

How Many Students are Affected by ADHD?

3-7 percent of school aged population (Gargiulo and Metcalf, 2013).