Jem, Dill and I went back into the courtroom in time to hear Atticus’s closing statement .  He was telling the jury… “Gentlemen, I remind you that this is a simple case.  If you convict Tom Robinson, you must be sure beyond all reasonable doubt that he is guilty.  This case should never have even come to trial.  This case is as simple as black and white.”  I noticed Atticus was sweating. 

“The state has not produced any evidence that Mayella was ever raped.  Their two witnesses, Mayella and Bob Ewell, didn’t have their stories straight.  The defendant is not guilty, but somebody in this courtroom is.  I have pity  for Mayella, but she has accused an innocent man to get rid of her own guilt.  She feels guilt because she liked a black man and tried to kiss him.  Our society does not allow this.  Now she seeks to destroy him so that she doesn’t have to face her own guilt.  She must destroy the evidence of her offense.  Tom did not rape Mayella.  All he did was try to get away when she kissed him.  Don’t let your prejudices  get the better of you and make you think he’s guilty just because he’s black.”

As Atticus finished his speech we saw Calpurnia making her way up the middle aisle of the courtroom, walking straight toward Atticus.