Something crushed me in my costume and I fell to the ground.  I was on the ground flopping around.  I could hear scuffling, kicking sounds, and scraping.  Someone rolled against me and then Jem pulled me up.  We were nearly to the road when I felt Jem jerk backwards.  There was more scuffling and then Jem screamed.  The scuffling noises were dying but I heard someone breathing heavily.  I heard someone moving so I asked, “Jem?”

  It seemed like someone else was under the tree now.  I felt around and someone was lying there.  I began walking toward the road and I could see a man walking towards my house, carrying Jem.

“Call Dr. Reynolds,” Atticus said sharply.  “Where’s Scout?”

“Here she is,” Aunt Alexandra called, pulling me towards her, working me free of my mangled costume.  Then Atticus called the sheriff, Heck Tate.

“Is Jem dead?”  I asked Aunt Alexandra.

“No – no darling, he’sunconscious .  What happened?”

“I don’t know.”  She left it at that and brought me some overalls to put on.

When Dr. Reynolds arrived I asked him, ”Is Jem dead?”

“Far from it.”  He talked while looking me over to make sure I was okay.  “He’s got a bump on the head just like yours and a broken arm.  Looks like someone tried to wring his arm off.  We can’t do much tonight except try to make him comfortable.