You don’t feel broke anywhere, do you?” 

I smiled. 

“Go have a look at him.”  By then Mr. Tate was there so we all went in together.

Jem was lying on his back.  There was an ugly mark along one side of his face.  His left arm lay out from his body.


Atticus said, “Let’s not bother him, he needs his rest.”  I retreated  from his bed.  Aunt Alexandra was in the rocking chair.  Mr. Tate stood in the doorway.  The man who brought Jem in was in the corner.

“Heck, did you find anything out there?”  Atticus asked.

“Sit down, Mr. Finch, he said pleasantly.  “I found Scout’s dress, some funny pieces of muddy cloth.” 

He paused.  “And I found Bob Ewell on the ground – he’s dead, Mr. Finch.”