Why prioritize?

      Prioritizing tasks is key to effective time managemnet and being productive. It enables us to organize the items that need to be completed and determine the best order in which to tackle tasks. The ability to prioritize involves determining which tasks are the most important to attend to first, which could be the assignment that has the closest due date, the project that is worth a significant portion of your final grade, or the assignment that will take the longest to complete and requires immediate attention to be sure it is completed in time. An effective strategy to help you prioritize your schoolwork is to make a list of all the assignments you currently need to complete and their due dates. The next step would be to number the items on the list in order of urgency or importance, starting with #1 as the first item to attend to. Once you have your tasks prioritized, you will be ready to start tackling the list.

Effects of good time management

      Appropriately managing your time and prioritizing tasks has a positive effect on your productivity and learning. Organization of assignments and tasks helps ensure that they all get completed on time, and that you are able to maximize the amount of work you accomplish at a given time. This will help give you a sense of accomplishment and control over your schoolwork. Students who exhibit strong time management skills are more likely to be successful in school because they are able to manage their workload without becoming overwhelmed and complete everything on time.