I am the smallest functioning part of a living thing or organism.I am called an organelle.There are many of us working together in the cell, we work like a 'team of football players', we help each other out, for the proper functioning of the whole cell.

I would like you to meet some of my teammates,but first did I tell you my exact name?--mmm..I don't think I did.I am the nucleus of the cell.I am considered the chief of all organelles.

I am in charge of all of the activities of the other organelles.I am usually found in the center of the cell.

If you look at me closely you will see thin thread-like structures floating around inside of me.They are called chromosomes .They are very important for making new cells.I also have another spherical structure inside of me called the nucelolus, boy!,oh boy!,I carry lots of stuff.

Here I am-the NUCLEUS!Don't you think I am amazing?