Walt Disney
Portrait of Walt Disney
Walt Disney made many advances in animation.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Walt_disney_portrait.jpg

Walt Disney started as an animator in 1919 working at various jobs until he started Disney Brothers studio in California in 1923. He worked to produce animated movies that could be shown in theatres.

In 1928 the animated short called Steamboat Willie was introduced to audiences. It was the first animation that had animation and sound that was syncronized.

In 1930 Disney continued to introduce new technologies to the animation industry. Flowers and Trees introduced in 1932 was the first animation done in color. The Three Little Pigs followed in 1933.

From 1934 to 1937 the Disney studios were in full production of creating Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This was the first full length color animated film.

Much of what we use in animation can be based on the works of Wlat Disney and Windsor McCay.