Natural resources are an important economic resource. Natural resources include water, soil, trees, farmland, and minerals. Businesses use different natural resources to make goods and provide services. Some businesses begin with a raw material. A raw material is a natural resource that people can use to make a good. Some raw materials that businesses use are metal, rock, wood, and water.


In Caldwell County, North Carolina, many businesses use trees that grow in the western part of the state. After these trees are cut down, businesses use the wood to make furniture. Then they sell the furniture to the public.

There are different types of natural resources. Natural resources can be living or nonliving. Plants, trees, and wild animals are examples of living resources. Nonliving resources include water, metal, soil, and minerals.


A renewable resource can be made again by nature or people. Trees are renewable resources. After trees are cut down, new trees can be planted.


A nonrenewable resource cannot be made again quickly by nature or people. Minerals, such as emeralds found in North Carolina, are nonrenewable. It might take thousands of years for Earth to replace a mineral that has been used. Fuels, such as coal and oil are also nonrenewable. People burn fuels to make heat or energy.