How To Read This Book

You will have noticed that this is not your average on-line book. There are a lot of cool features for you to check out.


At the bottom of every page you will see Pedro and Hali. They are there to help guide you through the UDL process.  Pedro will ask you questions regarding your current teaching practice to get you thinking about the UDL method.  Hali will give you some ideas about things you might add to your classroom right now to help you reach more of your students. Just click on either of the coaches for their input related to the page you are on.  Go check them out at the bottom of this page.

TextHELP Text-to-Speech (TTS)

You may have already noticed that there is a TextHELP toolbar floating over your Book Builder story.  This is a "Text-to-Speech" tool (also known as TTS).  You can use TTS to have the computer read the page text aloud.  Just highlight the text you want it to read and then click on the play button. Go ahead and try it, it's really cool!

Response areas

Below the coaches you will see there is a responses section, here you can write down your answers to Pedro's questions or ideas you have for your classroom or anything else that you would like to remember.  Anything you type in here will be saved temporarily while you are using this book.  Make sure to copy the work to a word document each day before you leave the book so that you retain all that you have learned.


Any words that you see underlined and in a bright blue color that look like a hyperlink are exactly that!  I've linked some of the text to websites that I think will help.