Graphic organizer.
The 4 REI Proposals from least inclusive to most inclusive (from left to right).
The 4 REI proposals from least inclusive to most inclusive.Created by the BookBuilder authors.

Skrtic then surveys the different proposals for reform within the REI movement.  He identifies two critical questions on which the different proposals disagree:  

1) Whom to Integrate

2) Whom to Merge

He then surveys the reactions within the field of special education to the various REI proposals.  As a way of keeping this summary concise and useful, we provided a graphic organizer that describes the REI proposals.  They are very interesting to learn about, and we encourage you to look at the article in its original version if you would like to know more about them.   As you begin to read the section of Skrtic’s article provided in this UDL BookBuilder version, keep in mind Skrtic’s main point regarding the potential effectiveness of REI or any reform within the field of special education.  In order to implement meaningful change, practitioners, administrators, and policymakers must have an understanding of the organizational assumptions upon which public schools as a whole are structured.  With this understanding, they must also be willing to question whether the structure of traditional public schools is conducive to providing an appropriate education for students with disabilities.