Principle II: Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression

Guideline 5: Provide options for expression and communication

Checkpoint 5.1: Use multiple media for communication

  • Compose in multiple media such as text, speech, drawing, illustration, comics, storyboards, design, film, music, visual art, sculpture or video

While a translator will be an effective tool in Nyunt learning English, it is important for her to utilize other multimedia to assist in reaching goals set by her teacher.  As Nyunt becomes more comfortable with her second language, perhaps she could be placed in a group to collaborate on a project and allow her to portray some of her ideas through drawing, movement or other written forms.  

Checkpoint 6.3: Facilitate managing information and resources

As Nyunt builds upon her bilingual word list, this will serve as benchmark for her continuing education.  If her teacher finds she is not adding words on her own, it would be important to utilize other assessment tools to see where the current curriculum is failing Nyunt.