Long, long ago when the world was still very young, the animals on the earth looked different than they look today. Some were taller, some were fatter. The eagles were not bald, and snakes walked about on four legs. Snake lived way down in the valley. He walked to the rolling river, and he jogged to the shade trees. He loved his home way down in the valley. He knew every groundhog hole and clover patch. All in all, snake was quite pleased with his life.

One day, as Snake was resting under the shade trees, he looked up to the sky. There, soaring in the clouds drifting above the valley was Eagle. Snake looked at the ground around him. At that moment all he saw was brown dirt and uneven pathways. Snake was overcome with the desire to fly. He wanted wings to spread. He wanted to glide on the wind. He wanted to see his valley from the sky. Underneath those shade trees, Snake grew very jealous of Eagle. His cool blood was bubbling. All he wanted was one ride.

The next day, under the same shade tree, Snake spotted Eagle perched on a high branch.

"Hello Missster Eagle," Snake hissed through his forked tongue. Eagle turned his head to Snake.