Middle school aged girl on a laptop.

Parent Tips for Middle School Kids

Tell your kids what to do if they're harassed. They shouldn't respond or retaliate, they should block bullies immediately and tell you or an adult they trust. They shouldn't delete the messages because in persistent cases, the content should be reported to a cell or Internet Service Provider.

If your kid is doing the bullying, establish strict consequences and stick to them. That goes for cruel or sexual comments about teachers, friends, and relatives.

Remind them that all private information can be made public. Posts on friend's walls, private instant messages, intimate photos, and little in-jokes can all be cut, pasted, and sent around. If they do not want the world to see it, they'd better not post or send it.

Don't start what you don't want to finish. Chat in online games and virtual worlds can get ugly fast. Make sure your kids are respectful because hurtful retaliation happens all the time.

(Don't forget to answer the question in the response area!)