chapter three: rouge agent!

        ok so why have you been acting so strange lately nikita? nikita says back fine i wanna get out just because i was sleeping amandas been like totaly scared or mad or whatever you call it hmmmmmmmm says casey that is intresting wheres jim right here , thats when jim hits casey in the back of the head , CASEY ! R U OKAY YES ime fine r u okay sure wheres nikita and jim , umm well i think they turned rouge oh wow amanda scremms LIZZY PUT ON THE ALARM  WAT TWENTY ONE GUARDS IN HERE QUICK AND A MEDIC, ok ime coming says lizzy ok well here for now take my gun sure  but, i amanda says get the machine gun laughs, oh wow most likely like the gurl to get the big gun , nikitas escaped says lizzy threw the earphone, where i have know idea can we track her and jim from the trackers inplaced in there minds? well ime sorry we cant okay, okay, tell me this then lizzy says amanda where is the tracking device i think amanda, that shes had it surgically removed, how do you know iwas thinking in my head thats the only reseason why i cant track her nikitas turned rouge and jims with her brodscating nikitas message: hello amanda says nikita:  thats right i cant take killing people for money then i get almost killed because of you , nikita behind you jim comes swinging at nikita but misses nikita pulls out a  gun and shoots jim for good hes dead, ok, nikita what is your demand? my demands laughs nikita, oh know it more like a promise ime going to kill the corpration unknown staarting with you! then nikita takes the gun and shoot the screen, amanda ! shes not even close to easy to track they have berkoff working with them , amanda says how do you know? well because there webcam starts with shadownet , shadownet is the best porgramme rever and thats berkoff , ok find them and kill them in the mean while where searching  for nikita says amanda with a glance of confidence