How I Make Sense of You

As summer comes to a close,

I welcome your warming colors of

reds, yellows, oranges, and browns

as I watch leaves calmly frolic in the breeze.


The wonderful scent of freshly baked

apple pie is creeping from the kitchen.

Chimney smoke fills my nose as I pass by

families trying to stay warm.


Warm apple cider dances on my taste buds

as I eagerly anticipate the

Thanksgiving feast Mom is fixing, complete with

succulent turkey and creamy mashed potatoes.


I pull my scarf tighter to escape

from your brisk wind as I

roll through your crunchy leaves,

giggling, as if I’m 5 years old again.


Because of you, I hear the frequent

sound of zippers going up and down, and up and down.

The sound of my brother chomping into

a candied apple echoes from the living room.


Ahhh, these are the beauties of the season.
And that is how I make sense of you.

-Chelsea Gose