Brussel Sprouts


No one likes you.

Your family comes

out of the ground

like some alien,

green bean stalk.


I fight incessantly

To avoid you.           

You follow me

too closely and

I can never seem

to break off from you.


I don’t know what

you expect from me.

Perhaps to say

that I am wrong

to judge you

without tasting you.


Is that it?

Fine, come here.

let me rip you

free from your cluster

of friends and family.

Not so tough now

are you?


Fill the pan

with golden oil

and pig fat.

carve you into

quarters so you

can’t fight back.


Sautee you until

you’re plump and crisp

and fit rightly

into my malevolent,

masticating mouth.

Then return again

to my plate to

eat a friend.


Or perhaps I

will tear off your

jade jackets,

bit by bit,

and torture you

to make it clear

that I can’t stand you.


Your exquisite essence.

Your tantalizing texture.

Your cool color.


maybe I don’t

hate you after all.


-Zach Retterath