Teacher, Teacher


You say I act out and don’t listen to you

And say I should do as you always do


But teacher you don’t get it

You aren’t hearing me are you

You’re listening but my words don’t really get through


I’m calling out for help even though it’s silently

But I yell for everything else hoping maybe you’ll get me


But I’m tired and annoyed when I can’t make a noise

And your ignorance has got you thinking it’s because I’m a boy


And I say I hate myself and you say that’s not true

But come stand in my shoes and you’d hate you too


Cause I’m told everyday that my life isn’t worth shit

And all of my energy has already been spent

At home where I walk on glass all day long

Tip-toeing around hoping their anger will fade

And I guess I don’t know what I want you to do

but isn’t there a law or something so you can report it too


See I’m trying to listen carefully to you

But see my message just isn’t getting through

I don’t think you get what I want you to do

I need a helping hand and it has to be you.

- Brittany Holmes