At the turn of the 19th century , the United States was both creating problems, and finding solutions to fix them.  This effort to change, or fix, problems that arose during this time period led to a major reform movement in the U.S

There are many examples of reform throughout the history of the United States. 

Reform is a component that is vital to the continued success of our democratic  principles.

As different groups within the U.S. have struggled for their rights, the United States has changed dramatically to meet these changing needs.

Some examples of these rights are: 

  1. to end business and political corruption
  2. to promote higher standards of safety
  3. to obtain equal, civil, and/or human rights 

Reform occurs through a variety of different methods in the United States. Individual states may pass laws, the Federal government may pass national laws, amendments may be added to the Constitution  , and the Supreme Court may interpret the Constitution differently over time.