Mop/bucket represent \"cleaning up\"MS Office

The Progressive Movement (1901-1917)

The Progressive Movement was initiated as a response to political and corporate  abuses at the turn of the Twentieth Century. Religious groups, members of the press, and radical political groups all cried out for reform, with solutions ranging from subtle reforms of the American capitalist  economy, to a call for the creation of a socialist government.

Reforms were initiated by individuals, and at the city, state, and national levels of government.            (from




  1. Working in groups of three (any issues, see me), assign one of the three topics (from the "Three Ls" listed below) to each group member.
  2. Individually, watch your video (headphones required), taking notes as you do. (Your section of your G.O)
  3. Peer-teach your section to your other group members, taking notes as you listen (Complete your G.O)
  4. As a group, decide how you would like to present your mini-project (rubric handed out in class)
  5. Assign one person to present your work to the class tomorrow. 
  6. *** Check in with the Question Queen before moving on.
  7. Once the group understands the task, please begin.
***You will have class time today, homework time, and 1/2 of class time tomorrow to complete this project.  Consider staying after school/lunch period to complete work with your group.


Progress through Literature, click   HERE 

Progress through Legistlation, click HERE

Progress through Leaders, click HERE

*** For more information, please visit the following sites: