CAST Tools and Resources:

UDL Goal Setter:  As our school becomes more diversified, teachers' lessons need to become more individualized.  This tool allow teachers to refine their goals while analyzing what is essential for student learning.

UDL Class Profile Maker: In my classroom, every student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP).  At times, I find it difficult to keep track and remember all of my students' learning abilities, strengths, and interests.  This tool allows teachers to utilize the UDL framework of the 3 brain learning networks in order to help understand their students.

TES Online Journal:  Although many teachers jot notes on paper, using an online tool such as this, grants us the opportunity to record our thoughts, ideas, reflections, and insights privately.  Though private, it may be insightful to be able to share it with your TES community.  Sharing ideas always allows for feedback from other members that my, in essence, be helpful.