
Purpose: Storybird is a free online tool that allows individuals to make short, art-inspired stories.

Explore this story on "7 Ways to Survive School":

How can it be used in Education? Instead of asking students to create a poster, powerpoint presentation or book report, educators can have students express their creativity and content knowledge by creating a story on Storybird.

How does this tool remove barriers?

Multiple Means of Representation- Students can use a variety of images and print text to create their own story. The combination of print and visual image can help learners who are struggling with reading and writing.

Multiple Means of Expression: Storybird is excellent for allowing students to express their creativity. They can choose from a plethora of images to use or create their own images. Storybird facilitates students in managing information through the creation of a linear storyline, complete with images.

Multiple Means of Engagement: Storybird will not be boring for students as they can as little or as much creative as they want to be. The options in the art-inspired images are almost limitless and students have the choice of creating their own images. Students can also receive online comments and feedback from their classmates and parents about their story, which allows for a sense of community and social reinforcement.

Required Age: Those under the age of 18 need to review the Terms of Service with a parent or guardian