
To access Skype you can go to


Skype is an app that allows you to communicate via video conferencing, voice call, and instant message.


Skype could be used by students to communicate with other students in different locations. Instead of having ‘pen-pals’ students could have ‘skype-pals’ who they keep in touch with. Students could learn through skype by having projects where they have to talk to people who they cannot see face-to-face.


Skype would allow for all learners to communicate more effectively with group members; it would be like they are actually with the person that they are skyping with and studetns who are not comfortable with talking to a face on a computer screen could turn the video off or even type some of what they want to say.


You must be 13 to get a Skype account but you need to be 18 for the credit account you may need if you want to pay for calls or have a subscription.