EasyBib is a great online tool that aids in the creation and understanding of MLA, APA, and Chigaco citation. Moreover, if EasyBib recognizes a user's book, article, etc., it automatically generates a citation for it. However, it is more than just a citation tool, as it allows for note taking, and note organization.

In terms of education, especially in a high school setting, I would find this web tool extremely useful in that it allows for an imperative understanding of citation. As high school students are the ones prepping for entry into post-secondary, it is imperative that they get a firm understanding of the importance of citation well before. This site really makes it easy to understand how to cite, using the three different styles.

Furthermore, it allows for inclusion as it is organized in a very easy-to-follow way. There are four separate tabs at that top that make for easy navigation, and the citation text bar is located just underneath. Students who are computer savvy but perhaps a bit challenged when it comes to citation might find the use of learning via a web tool more useful. On the other hand, students who are comfortable with citation and its styles, might feel more challenged when the concepts are presented on an interactive platform.

Though EasyBib is an academic tool, it does suggest that anyone under the age of 13 request access via parental permission.