This is a screenshot from


Prezi Viewer is a free app that people can use to create and view presentations. They can be saved online and you can either share them publicly, or keep them private. In the Prezi platform, you are able to use images, videos, audio and document files to enhance your project. There are even pre-loaded templates for presentations; all you have to do is add your content. From there, the user has the option of manipulating the "pathways" however they wish!

This tool is extremely useful in an educational context because it is customizable and user friendly at the same time. Student engagement is extremely important in the classroom and I believe that using Prezi will keep the students attention throughout the class because it has so many interactive features to it.

Here is a link to a Prezi that I made for one of my classroom management course. Pay close attention to the use of videos, pictures, and the different pathways.


This tool could remove barriers for certain learners because the teacher has the freedom to create their presentations however they want. If the teacher needs to accommodate different types of learners or students with disabilities, they could easily incorporate a variety of images, videos, and text. In addition to this, Prezi allows students to display their own knowledge in the way that there are most comfortable with.


Like I mentioned earlier, one of the best parts about Prezi is that it is very user-friendly. For that reason, anyone who has fundamental computer literacy nailed down should be able to use the application without much trouble.