Web 2,0 tools
Ther art of modern communication using Web 2.0 toolshttp://www.bing.com/images/search?q=web+2.0+pictures&id=A5A4DE2057A3A861B6B5D14EEE98A4BE1D3F2EAD&FORM=IQFRBA#view=detail&id=3C4BD4E1C87A786C2C5A44F9AA356C2060A32EBB&selectedIndex=1

According abot.com., Web 2.0 is a new form to use Internet, is the socialized Internet because people in Web 2.0 not only use the Internet but they are part of the Internet. Instead to see just the content, users interact, collaborate ach other and also users can work in a Web 2.0 as a community.

Please, copy these URL and whatch something about Web 2.0s.

