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Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an online library that features over 2600 videos that cover everything from science, math, to social studies. The tool also boasts  235 practices exercises.

This tool can be used by educators in 9-12 Social Studies to display videos that are relevant to the topic that they are teaching. Educators can also refer students to videos found on Khan Academy so that they can get a better understanding of a certain topic.

The Khan Academy can help students who have difficulty reading because instead of learning soley from a textbook and lectures, they are given a video that is relevant to what they are learning. Also, much of Social Studies is about source analysis, so Khan Academy can provide alternative sources to text based sources that student can review and then analyze.

There is no age limite required for users because users can use Khan Academy without having to sign up for the website. I would recommend this site though for Secondary students because the videos offered are a lot more academically complex than I think younger student would propably be able to handle.