Webspiration ( is essentially a tool for creating mind maps. It is a "diagramming, mapping and outlining service" (  Mind maps, when used effectively, can be a great way to demonstrate cause and effect, interrelationships and clarify thinking.  

In the classroom, Webspiration can be used as a tool to facilitate learning for students who prefer visual learning.  For students who have language difficulties, reading or writing, creating a mind map is a way to use images and less words to demonstrate their understanding.  It can be a tool to replace a traditional essay as it can show student's learning and relationships.  Webspiration can be used to brainstorm and plan, organize and write, collaborate, give feedback and reflect on it.

Webspiration suggests that it is a tool best suited for grade 5 to grade 12.  I would use it in a high school classroom after briefly demonstrating how it is used.