In a Republic, representatives of the people create law for the people. Here, a representative speaks to the Roman people.

The Republic 


The Romans established a new type of government- a republic- that has been copied by countries for centuries.  It all started in 509 BCE.  The Etruscans ruled over Rome for hundreds of years.  In 509 BCE, Romans overthrew their Etruscan kings.  Once free from outside rule, the Romans formed a Republic.  A Republic is a representative government.   This means that many people represent citizens rather than just one king.  Citizens vote for representatives to make laws for them. 



There were different levels of citizenship in the Roman Republic.  The full citizen could vote, hold public office, trade, and marry other full citizens.  Other citizens could vote and trade, but could not hold office.  A third type of citizens were not allowed to vote or hold office, but they had other rights.  The type of citizen a person was depended on their class, or how much wealth they had.  Women and slaves were not considered citizens.  However, slaves that were granted freedom could become citizens.