Pinterest is a virtual pinboard website. lets you organize and share all the ideas/things you find on the web by a click of a button. Their mission
statement says it all, “Our goal is to connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest
is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.”

Why do I think that Pinterest is wonderful for educators?

Because it is another great Personal Learning Network (PLN) site for educators! Pinterest allows educators to follow others from all over the world through visuals which is different from other social sites such as Twitter. Teachers can share sites ideas, lessons and blogs they enjoy by “pinning” pictures.

Pinterest has motivated and inspired me to try new things in the classroom. If it wasn’t for Pinterest, I wouldn’t have thought of using a hula-hoop to help teach students to tell time or to use popsicle sticks with A, B, C, D and yes and no on them to complete a quick formative assessment. Through Pinterest I have learned about new blogs and resources that other teachers have deemed worthy.

Pinterest is fun and like anything new can be addicting! Test it out yourself and give it a try; what do you have to lose besides gaining great ideas based on your interests! To follow my boards (warning- not all are educational) by clicking on the follow me button on right side of my blog.

Click on these links below to learn more about Pinterest and/or
