

TalkTyper is a free speech recognition software for your browser that
converts speech to text.  It works in multiple languages and is
extremely easy to use and easy to access if you have a device and
an internet connection.

TalkTyper in the Classroom

TalkTyper could be used by many students in the lower elementary
classroom to dictate words, sentences or paragraphs for numerous
purposes.  Students could use it to independently spell check their
handwritten work by comparing their writing to what they have
dictated to TypeTalker.  Lower elementary students often are much
more advanced in their speech abilities in comparison to their spelling
abilities.  TyperTalker allows students the freedom to create projects,
stories, et cetera, without worrying about whether they know how to
write all the words.  By using the tool they will also gain new knowledge
as they can visually connect a spoken word to how it is spelled.