

Educaplay is “a platform to create multimedia teaching activities” and can be integrated into LMS platforms. Using this free online tool you can create (these links should be clickable):

 Interactive Map


Fill In Blanks





Jumbled Word

Jumbled Sentence

Matching Game

Wordsearch Puzzle




Slide show



I would use this tool in my class to create crosswords for vocabulary study guides in English, Interactive Map activties in Social Studies, I would use the Dialouges activity for either teaching Shakespeare in English or in Drama, and Video quizzes for students so that those who had trouble reading could still do a quiz in the same timeframe that other students do.


This tool would reduce barriers for kids who are visual or auditory learners, would add a feeling a “gamification” for students who need to be more entertained to be engaged, and the dictation option offers an option for talk to text.


There is no mention of an age limit in the terms of services. However, anything created by this site cannot be used for profit and must be shared alike as it is protected under a creative commons license.