The final web 2.0 tool that I was able to discover was Zimmer Twins. Zimmer Twin is a very cool tool which allows the students to create a comic book themed assignment. It can be considered a movie maker kit for students to learn. With a simple click of a button, you can start creating your own movie. Zimmer Twins has many choices of templates that are premade for you and when you click a certain clip, it will add it on to your already existing clip. A simple drag and drop and you are able to rewatch your whole clip from the beginning. There are premade boxes from speech, movement clips, emotion clips and setting clips. As well, after the creation of your very own movie, you are able to share what you've made with others on that site. You can access clips from other students in order to compare and progress. 

Zimmer Twins provides the student with a creative and easy method to do all sorts of presentation type assignments while still providing the element for storytelling. For subject matter such as art or language arts, Zimmer Twins is proficient since it taps intro the imaginative and creative side of the students. 

A barrier of learning that can be overcomed with this tool is the aspect of creative mind. A lot of learning today needs to ingrained into the mind of our students other then memorizing and regurgitating. Zimmer Twins uses the aspect of storytelling to help students present information to others all around them. 

The terms of service claim that the age demographic for Zimmer Twins is between ages 8 to 17. Ages below 8 requires parent supervision or parents to read the terms of use before allowing the students to use Zimmer Twins.