Segment 1: Non-Discrimination Against Students

Chapter 76, section 5 of the Massachusetts General Laws states that: “[no] person shall be excluded from or discriminated against

  • in admission to a public school of any town,
  • in obtaining the advantages, 
  • in obtaining the privileges or
  • in obtaining the courses of study 

of such public school on account of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.”

CPS is committed to providing an atmosphere in which all students can learn and can participate in all activities
pertaining to their education. Corporal punishment  in any form is expressly forbidden. Moreover, any behaviors that

  • insult the dignity of others, 
  • interfere with their freedom to learn or
  • create hostile academic environment 

are unacceptable and shall result in disciplinary action being taken.

Additionally, any intimidation, threats, harassment, degradation, humiliation or other retaliatory conduct directed at students will not be tolerated and shall result in disciplinary action being taken against the teacher.

School staff will not attempt to impede or discourage students or their parents/guardians from reporting such conduct to school officials. Any such interference should be reported immediately to the Superintendent.