
Evernote is a tool that can be used for note taking in class. In addition to the average typed notes, however, this tool can take pictures and record audio notes, and it is all sharable. These are a different, more sophisticated form of notes that change how students express themselves and their knowledge. 

My subject of focus is junior high science, and this tool is useful because it can be used to take pictures and make notes during labs or in-class experiments so that students can remember exactly what we observed and talked about. This is also useful if a student is unable to attend the lab or class because sometimes drawings that other students made are not sufficient if one does not understand the context. Also, if it is a dissection lab and a student is squimish or allergic, pictures can be taken and shared later so students can view them at their own time so they are not left at a disadvantage.

It is also downloadable for students who may have a special need and are unable to take notes themselves. With the audio recording option, students who are unable to type their own notes still have an efficient way to participate and study. 

This tool is made for adults, however it can be used at all ages, and in schools. Consent is recommended in the Terms of Use. 


Evernote is a great way to take descriptive and interesting notes for students ranging from academically excellent, to students who need a bit of extra reading or writing help.