The first web 2.0 tool I looked at was Read and Write for Google Chrome.

Having a Text to speech program is essential to any special needs course. Many students in a UDL enviorment may have reading difficulties, vision problems, or may be simply audio based learners. using programs like this can aid these students and generate novel interest in other students.

The program can be found here at:

The program verbalizes higlighted text in a choice of voices and or translations, basically reading it alloud to you.

Students can use it on websites or written files to read what has been written there. Making Surfing the web easier for students with reading or visual difficulties.or ESL students who are still learning to read and speak english.

This tool removes barriers for students who may be intimidated by reading a large piece of text due to reading or comprehension issues. Audio based learners will also benefit form hearing text spoken aloud in aorder to better process it. Its presentation of information in a different style will aid in the engagement of a wide variety of students as well making it an excellent tool in a Universal Design for Learning Classroom.

An Exploration of Learning Tools for use in a Junior High Special Needs Calssroom