Twitter ) is Web 2.0 tool that allows users to create social networks and build connections with other people. This includes being able to share links, pictures and videos. Users can sign up and access twitter using any web browser to their liking and is also able to use this on phone devices by downloading the app. 

It could be used in education by allowing a variety of ways in which students can interact with each other through accessing pictures, videos and links. Students can post links and information regarding to classes. They can also share files among classmates. This would be very useful for group projects or class discussion in general because there is access to extensive amount of information that students need on different topics. Students are provided with more flexible ways to share information and resources.

It would reduce barriers for those students in need of varied resources other than their teacher and fellow classmates to start brainstorming ideas. Also, for those students who do not express their opinions in class because they may not be as confident can share their opinions and thoughts on certain topics which the class can access and so can the teacher. It may be a good way to track student's interests.

The required age of users is 13 which is suitable for a high school secondary level class.