Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an educational organisation that is non-profit and its goal is to provide free world-class education for anyone, anywhere. The website has thousands of educational resources for various subjects, Math, Science, Computing, Art and Humanities to name but a few. It also has lots of practice problems, tests and over 6000 micro lectures via video. All this content is available free to the user anywhere in the world. 

This is such a powerful resources for teachers to utilises and incorporate into their classroom, not only to add a visual more technology based element to the classroom but to also help students who are struggling in the classroom and need additional help, or alternatively are exceeding the classroom content and need a greater challenge.

Khan Academy can remove barriers for learners of different language as you can change the language the content is presented in. If you struggle with English you can change it to something you are more familiar with but the content will be the same. Also if learns are unsure if they really want to study a certain area of interest they can do some online courses for free before committing to the costly fees associated with a university education.

Khan Academy can be used by any are group as It has tests that range from telling the time to advanced algebra, users can also search keywords which can encourage children or younger users to explore their curiosity in educational material.